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1. Introduction to Electrochemistry

An initial orientation to electrochemical terms and principles.

Introduction to the Basics of Electrochemistry

This video is good introduction to the basics of electrochemistry, if you do not have any prior experience with electrochemistry.

Introduction to the Basics of Electrochemistry

Introduction to the Fundamentals of Electrochemistry

The following videos introduce the fundamental aspects used in electrochemical methods, which will be covered in greater detail in subsequent lesson.

Convention and Terms

It is important to note that there are three types of electrochemical cells discussed in these videos: (1) galvanic (or voltaic) cell (2 electrodes), (2) electrolytic cell (2 electrodes), or (3) electroanalytical cell (2 electrodes or 3 electrodes). Galvanic and electrolytic cells designed to operate in a certain way, such that one electrode only experiences oxidation (i.e., anode) and the other electrode only experiences reduction (i.e., cathode). Galvanic and electrolytic cells are called general production cells in this lesson. Galvanic cells generate electricity from chemicals contained within the cell. Electrolytic cells consume electricity to drive chemical reactions to produce a product. Examples of galvanic cells are batteries and fuel cells. Examples of electrolytic cells are electrorefiners and electrolyzers. In electroanalytical cells, the potential and/or current is changed at the electrodes, such that a single electrode could experience both oxidation or reduction depending upon the potential or current being experienced. The electroanalytical cell can operate as a 2-electrode cell (working electrode (WE) and reference electrode (RE)), if negligible net current is flowing, or as a 3-electrode cell (WE, RE, and counter electrode (CE)), if appreciable net current is flowing.

Electrochemical Cells

Overview of Potential
Overview of Current

Click here to go to Lesson 2: Electrochemical Potentials.