Publications - Pyrochemical Research and Operations (PyRO) Skip to main content


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A complete list of publications from our research group members in journals and at conferences along with patent applications, theses, and dissertations

Journal Articles
Patent Applications

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (newest to oldest)

  1. Mejia, C., Christensen, N., Ceron, R. R., & Rappleye, D. (2024). Development of a Stable and Buffered Reference Electrode for Binary Molten Chlorides Salts. Electrochimica Acta, 512, 145496. | Accepted Manuscript
  2. Shum, R., Cragun, M., Williams, T., & Rappleye, D. (2024). Electrochemical Investigation of Moisture Byproducts in Molten Calcium Chloride. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 171(9), 093508. | Accepted Manuscript
  3. Williams, T., Torrie, J., Schvaneveldt, M., Fuller, R., Chipman, G., & Rappleye, D. (2024). Electrochemical Identification of Metal Chlorides in Eutectic LiCl-KCl Without Prior Knowledge of Analyte Identities. Nuclear Technology, 1–17. | Accepted Manuscript
  4. Torrie, J. M., Fuller, R., & Rappleye, D. (2024). The Development of a Stable and Practical Saturated Reference Electrode for Molten Chloride Salt Systems. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 171(5), 053508. | Open Access
  5. Schvaneveldt, M., Williams, T., Fuller, R., & Rappleye, D. (2024). In Situ Chlorine Generation and Rare Earth Chlorination by Molten Salt Electrolysis. Nuclear Technology. 210(8), 1464–1474. | Accepted Manuscript
  6. Chipman, G., Johnson, B., Vann, C., Whitesides, L., & Rappleye, D. (2024). Experimental determination of the electrochemical properties of bismuth chloride in eutectic LiCl–KCl and LiCl–KCl–CaCl2 molten salts. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 333, 1119–1135. | Accepted Manuscript
  7. Chipman, G., Johnson, B., & Rappleye, D. (2024). Application of AC superimposed DC waveforms to bismuth electrorefining. Nuclear Engineering and Technology. 56, 1339-1346. | Open Access
  8. Chipman, G., Johnson, B., Choi, S., Zhang, C., Simpson, M., & Rappleye, D. (2023). Determination of a surrogate for plutonium electrorefining. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 586, 154680. | Accepted Manuscript
  9. Rappleye, D. S., & Fuller, R. G. (2023). Bringing the Analysis of Electrodeposition Signals in Voltammetry Out of the Shadows. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 170(6), 063505. | Open Access
  10. Williams, T., Fuller, R., Vann, C., & Rappleye, D. (2023). Semi-Differentiation of Reversible, Soluble-Insoluble Potential Sweep Voltammograms. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 170(4), 042502. | Open Access
  11. Schvaneveldt, M., Fuller, R., & Rappleye, D. (2022). Electroanalytical measurements of lanthanum (III) chloride in molten calcium chloride and molten calcium chloride and lithium chloride. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 918, 116442. | Accepted Manuscript
  12. Fuller, R., Williams, T., Schvaneveldt, M., & Rappleye, D. (2022). A comparison of square-wave voltammetry models to determine the number of electrons exchanged in metal deposition. Electrochimica Acta, 414, 140220. | Accepted Manuscript
  13. Williams, T., Shum, R., & Rappleye, D. (2021). Concentration Measurements In Molten Chloride Salts Using Electrochemical Methods. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 168(12), 123510. | Open Access

    Pre-BYU PyRO Lab

    Lawrence Livermore National Lab

  14. Zhang, C., Rappleye, D., Nelson, A., Simpson, S., & Simpson, M. (2021). Electroanalytical Measurements of Oxide Ions in Molten CaCl2 on W electrode. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 168(9), 097502. | Accepted Manuscript
  15. Rappleye, D., & Haun, R. (2021). Production of Pure Vanadium: Industry Review and Feasibility Study of Electron Beam Melt Refining of V–Al Alloys. Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, 7(3), 755–766. | Accepted Manuscript
  16. Rappleye, D., McNeese, J., Torres, R., Holliday, K., & Jeffries, J. R. (2021). Development of small-scale plutonium electrorefining in molten CaCl2. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 552, 152968. | Accepted Manuscript
  17. Okabe, P., Rappleye, D., Newton, M., & Simpson, M. F. (2021). Development of metallic nuclear material purification process via simultaneous chlorination and volatilization. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 543, 152626. | Accepted Manuscript
  18. Okabe, P., Newton, M., Rappleye, D., & Simpson, M. F. (2020). Gas-solid reaction pathway for chlorination of rare earth and actinide metals using hydrogen and chlorine gas. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 534, 152156. | Accepted Manuscript

    University of Utah (Doctorate & Post-Doctoral Studies)

  19. Horvath, D., Rappleye, D., Bagri, P., & Simpson, M. F. (2017). Electrochemical measurements of diffusion coefficients and activity coefficients for MnCl2 in molten eutectic LiCl-KCl. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 493, 189–199.
  20. Zhang, C., Rappleye, D., & Simpson, M. (2017). Preliminary Study of Optimization of Normal Pulse Voltammetry for Actinide Measurement in Molten Salt Electrorefiners Using LiCl-KCl-UCl3-MgCl2 as a Surrogate Salt. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 164(8), H5218–H5223. | Open Access
  21. Rappleye, D., & Simpson, M. F. (2017). Application of the rotating cylinder electrode in molten LiCl-KCl eutectic containing uranium(III)- and magnesium(II)-chloride. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 487, 362–372. | Accepted Manuscript
  22. Rappleye, D., Newton, M. L., Zhang, C., & Simpson, M. F. (2017). Electroanalytical measurements of binary-analyte mixtures in molten LiCl-KCl eutectic: Uranium(III)- and Magnesium(II)-Chloride. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 486, 369–380. | Accepted Manuscript
  23. Rappleye, D., Teaford, K., & Simpson, M. F. (2016). Investigation of the effects of uranium(III)-chloride concentration on voltammetry in molten LiCl-KCl eutectic with a glass sealed tungsten electrode. Electrochimica Acta, 219, 721–733. | Accepted Manuscript
  24. Wang, Z., Rappleye, D., Yang, C. S., & Simpson, M. F. (2016). Application of Voltammetry for Electroanalytical Measurement of Concentrations in LaCl3-MgCl2 Mixtures in Eutectic LiCl-KCl. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 163(10), H921.
  25. Rappleye, D., Jeong, S.-M., & Simpson, M. (2016). Electroanalytical Measurements of Binary-Analyte Mixtures in Molten LiCl-KCl Eutectic: Gadolinium(III)- and Lanthanum(III)-Chloride. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 163(9), B507.
  26. Stika, M., Rappleye, D., Simpson, M. F., & Jeong, S. M. (2016). Development of on-line pyroprocessing for liquid thorium fueled reactors. AIChE Journal, 62(4), 1236–1243.
  27. Wang, Z., Rappleye, D., & Simpson, M. F. (2016). Voltammetric Analysis of Mixtures of Molten Eutectic LiCl-KCl Containing LaCl3 and ThCl4 for Concentration and Diffusion Coefficient Measurement. Electrochimica Acta, 191, 29–43.
  28. Bateman, K. J., Morrisona, M. C., Rappleye, D. S., Simpson, Michael. F., & Frank, S. M. (2015). Scale Up of Ceramic Waste Forms for Electrorefiner Salts Produced during Spent Fuel Treatment. Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology, 13(Special), 55–75.
  29. Rappleye, D., Jeong, S.-M., Gonzalez, M., Hansen, L. C., & Simpson, M. F. (2015). Application of Voltammetry to Measurement of Concentrations of Multiple Lanthanide Ions in Molten LiCl-KCl. Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology, 13(Special), 29–38.
  30. Gonzalez, M., Hansen, L., Rappleye, D., Cumberland, R., & Simpson, M. F. (2015). Application of a One-Dimensional Transient Electrorefiner Model to Predict Partitioning of Plutonium from Curium in a Pyrochemical Spent Fuel Treatment Process. Nuclear Technology, 192(2), 165–171.
  31. Rappleye, D., Jeong, S.-M., & Simpson, M. (2015). Application of multivariate analysis techniques to safeguards of the electrochemical treatment of used nuclear fuel. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 77, 265–272.
  32. Lafreniere, P. L., Rappleye, D. S., Hoover, R. O., Simpson, M. F., & Blandford, E. D. (2015). Demonstration of Signature-Based Safeguards for Pyroprocessing as Applied to Electrorefining and the Ingot Casting Process. Nuclear Technology, 189(2), 173–185.
  33. Rappleye, D., Stika, M., & Simpson, M. F. (2014). Simulated Response of Electrochemical Sensors for Monitoring Molten-Salt Fueled Reactors. Journal of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, 43(1), 50–56. | Open Access (p. 50) | Accepted Manuscript

    North Carolina State University (Masters)

  34. Rappleye, D., Simpson, M., Cumberland, R., McNelis, D., & Yim, M.-S. (2014). Simulated Real-Time Process Monitoring of a Molten Salt Electrorefiner. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 273, 75–84.

    Brigham Young University (Bachelors)

  35. Lignell, D. O., & Rappleye, D. S. (2012). One-dimensional-turbulence simulation of flame extinction and reignition in planar ethylene jet flames. Combustion and Flame, 159(9), 2930-2943.
  36. Ai, W., Laycock, R. G., Rappleye, D. S., Fletcher, T. H., & Bons, J. P. (2011). Effect of particle size and trench configuration on deposition from fine coal flyash near film cooling holes. Energy & Fuels, 25(3), 1066-1076.

Conference Presentations/Proceedings (Presenter in Bold)

  1. Fuller, R., Exon, K., & Rappleye, D. S. (2024, November). Development of the Rotating Cylinder Electrode for Molten Salt Corrosion Measurement. 2024 ANS Winter Conference, Orlando, FL.
  2. Mejia, C., Essilfie, A., & Rappleye, D. S. (2024, November). Development of Metal Oxide Reference Electrodes for Oxygen Sensors in Molten Salts. 2024 Molten Salt Reactor Workshop, Knoxville, TN. | Poster
  3. Stoddard, M., Mejia, C., & Rappleye, D. (2024, October). Simulation of Voltammetric Measurements of Uranium Electrodeposition in Molten LiCl-KCl Eutectic. PRiME 2024, Honolulu, HI.
  4. (Invited) Rappleye, D. S. (2024, September). A Retrospective Analysis of the Electrochemical Behavior of Plutonium in Molten Salts Using Advanced Techniques. Plutonium Futures - The Science 2024, Charleston, SC.
  5. Mercado, E., Fuller, R., & Rappleye, D. S. (2024, August). Enabling electrochemical and density measurements in molten salts with a single apparatus. ACS Fall 2024 Meeting: Molten Salt Symposium. Denver, CO.
  6. Williams, T., Mercado, E., Cave, C., Infanger, L., & Rappleye, D. S. (2024, August). Thin-layer electrochemical sensors: Steps towards ultra-high concentration measurements and spectro-electrochemistry. ACS Fall 2024 Meeting: Molten Salt Symposium. Denver, CO. | Recorded Presentation
  7. Manner, J. H., Stoddard, M., & Rappleye, D. S. (2024, June). Exploring the lower limit of electrorefining. ACS NORM 2024 Meeting. Pullman, WA.
  8. Torrie, J. M., Urraco, I., Wright, J., & Rappleye, D. S. (2024, June). Novel chloride volatility scheme for reprocessing advanced reactor used nuclear fuel. ACS NORM 2024 Meeting. Pullman, WA.
  9. (Invited/Plenary) Rappleye, D. S., Stoddard, M., Johnson, B., Manner, H., Williams, T., & Fuller, R. (2024, May). Pyroprocessing: Bridging the Gap between Current Challenges and Future Innovations. 47th Actinide Separations Conference, Petaluma, CA. | Abstract
  10. Johnson, B., Stoddard, M., Fuller, A., Ankrah, G., & Rappleye, D. S. (2024, May). Autonomous Electrorefining of Tin as a Plutonium Surrogate. 47th Actinide Separations Conference, Petaluma, CA.
  11. Vann, C., Williams, T., & Rappleye, D. S. (2024, May). Apparatus Design for In-situ Generation of Cl2 via Molten Salt Electrolysis for Chloride Volatility Separations. 47th Actinide Separations Conference, Petaluma, CA.
  12. Mejia, C., Torrie, J., & Rappleye, D. S. (2024, May). Development of a Buffered Reference Electrode for NaCl-KCl Electrorefining Cell. 47th Actinide Separations Conference, Petaluma, CA.
  13. Williams, T., Vann, C., Fuller, R., & Rappleye, D. S. (2023, June). A Semi-Differentiated Model for the Potential-Sweep Voltammograms of Electrochemical Deposition Reactions. 243rd ECS Meeting with the 18th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XVIII). Boston, MA. | Abstract | Slides |
  14. Williams, T., Calabuig, S., Schvaneveldt, M., Rappleye, D. S. (2023, May). In-situ Generation of Cl2 via Molten Salt Electrolysis for Chloride Volatility Separations. 46th Actinide Separations Conference, Idaho Falls, ID. | Abstract |
  15. Torrie, J., Adams, J., Johnson, B., Rappleye, D. S. (2023, May). Novel Chloride Volatility Scheme for Reprocessing Advanced Reactor Used Nuclear Fuel. 46th Actinide Separations Conference, Idaho Falls, ID. | Abstract |
  16. Shum, R., Fuller, M., Rappleye, D. S. (2023, May). Analysis of the Effects of Moisture on the Electrochemistry of Molten Calcium Chloride. 46th Actinide Separations Conference, Idaho Falls, ID. | Abstract |
  17. Chipman, G., Johnson, B., Rappleye, D. S. (2023, May). Alternating Current Superimposed on Direct Current Bismuth Electrorefining. 46th Actinide Separations Conference, Idaho Falls, ID. | Abstract |
  18. Simpson, S. A., Holliday, K. S., Roberts, D. J., Swift, A. J., Zhang, C., Parkes, A. M., Rappleye, D. S. (2023, May). Production and Characterization of Accelerated Aged Alloy. 46th Actinide Separations Conference, Idaho Falls, ID. | Abstract |
  19. Williams, T., Chipman, G., Fuller, R., Schvaneveldt, M., Torrie, J., & Rappleye, D. S. (2023, March). Blind Identification and Quantification of Analytes in Molten LiCl-KCl Eutectic. 152nd TMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. | Abstract |
  20. Chipman, G., Johnson, B., & Rappleye, D. S. (2023, March). Electrochemical Behavior of Bismuth in molten LiCl-KCl-CaCl2. 152nd TMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. | Abstract |
  21. (Invited) Fuller, M., Shum, R., & Rappleye, D. S. (2023, March). The Impact of Moisture on the Electrochemical Behavior of Molten Calcium Chloride. 152nd TMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. | Abstract |
  22. Vann, C., Williams, T., & Rappleye, D. S. (2023, March). The Demonstration and Optimization of Thin-cell Electrochemical Measurements in Molten LiCl-KCl Eutectic. 152nd TMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. | Abstract |
  23. (Invited) Rappleye, D., Torrie, J., Williams, T., & Fuller, R. G. (2022). Towards Electroanalytical Measurements in the Elemental Soup of Molten Salts Bearing Nuclear Fuel. ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2022-02(58), 2193.
  24. Fuller, R. G., Shum, R., Calabuig, S., & Rappleye, D. (2022). The Construction and Validation of Rotating Electrodes in Molten Salts for the Measurement of Hydrodynamic Properties and Corrosion. ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2022-02, 2059.| Slides |
  25. Chipman, G. D., Johnson, B., Zhang, C., Choi, S., Simpson, M., & Rappleye, D. S. (2022, May). Determining a Suitable Surrogate for Actinide Electrorefining, Actinide Separations Conference, Los Alamos, NM
  26. Rappleye, D., Willliams, T., Fuller, R., & Schvaneveldt M. (2022, May). The Role of Electroanalytical Techniques in Studying and Monitoring Actinides in Molten Salt Based Operations, Actinide Separations Conference, Los Alamos, NM
  27. Schvaneveldt, M., Monson, J., Fuller, R., & Rappleye, D. (2022, May). In-Situ Chlorine Oxidation for Chlorination and Purification of Rare Earth Metals, Actinide Separations Conference, Los Alamos, NM
  28. Fuller, R. G., Williams, T., Schvaneveldt, M., & Rappleye, D. (2022). Analysis of Techniques for Determining the Number of Electrons Exchanged in Square-Wave Voltammetry. ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2022-01(45), 1907. | Slides
  29. Fuller, R. G., Rappleye, D., Williams, T., & Schvaneveldt, M. (2021, October). Analysis on Methods for Determining the Number of Electrons Exchanged in a Metal Deposition Reaction through Square-Wave Voltammetry. In ECS Meeting Abstracts (No. 54, p. 1921). IOP Publishing.
  30. Schvaneveldt, M., Rappleye, D., & Fuller, R. G. (2021, October). Electroanalytical Measurements of Lanthanum (III) Chloride in Molten Calcium Chloride and Molten Eutectic Calcium Chloride and Lithium Chloride. In ECS Meeting Abstracts (No. 21, p. 1909). IOP Publishing.

    Pre-BYU PyRO Lab

  31. Zhang, C., Rappleye, D. S., Wallace, J., & Simpson, M. (2018, October). Electrochemical Analysis of Bi-Analyte Electrorefiner Salt with High Concentration of UCl3. 2018 AIChE Annual Meeting, Pittsburg, PA. | Abstract
  32. Oakbe, P., Rappleye, D., & Simpson, M. (2018, June). Effects of Changing Parameters on Chlorination Process of Rare Earth Metals and Actinides Mixture. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. 2018 ANS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. | Link to Conference Paper
  33. Rappleye, D., Horvath, D., Wang, Z., Zhang, C., & Simpson, M. F. (2016). Methods for determining the working electrode interfacial area for electroanalytical measurements of metal ions in molten LiCl-KCl. ECS Transactions, 75(15), 79. | Link to Conference Paper
  34. Zhang, C., Rappleye, D., & Simpson, M. F. (2016). Development and Optimization of Voltammetry for Real Time Analysis of Multi-Component Electrorefiner Salt. ECS Transactions, 75(15), 95.
  35. Rappleye, D., & Simpson, M. F. (2015, July). Electrochemical Signal Measurement and Analysis for Metal Deposition in Molten LiCl-KCl Eutectic. In INMM 56th Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, CA.

Patent Applications

  1. Rappleye, Devin. "Saturated and buffered reference electrode for molten salt electrochemical measurements." U.S. Patent Application 18/433,960, filed August 8, 2024.

    Pre-BYU PyRO Lab

  2. Rappleye, Devin, and Chao Zhang. "Production of carbon products in molten salt media." U.S. Patent Application 16/745,181, filed July 23, 2020.
  3. Simpson, Michael, Devin Rappleye, and Kevin Teaford. "Fixed area electrode for electrochemical analysis of high temperature fluids." U.S. Patent Application 15/711,894, filed March 22, 2018.


  1. Stoddard, M. (2024). The Advancement of Experimental and Computation Tools for the Study of Molten Salt Chemistry to Facilitate the Extraction  of Strategic Elements in Nuclear Applications (Doctoral Dissertation), Brigham Young University. Link
  2. Chipman, G. (2023). Investigating Bismuth as a Surrogate for Plutonium Electrorefining (Doctoral Dissertation), Brigham Young University. Link
  3. Schvaneveldt, M. (2022). In-Situ Chlorine Gas Generation for Chlorination and Purification of Rare Earth and Actinide Metals (Master's Thesis), Brigham Young University. Link

    Pre-BYU PyRO Lab

  4. Rappleye, D. S. (2016). Electrochemical concentration measurements for multianalyte mixtures in simulated electrorefiner salt (Doctoral Dissertation) The University of Utah. Link
  5. Rappleye, D. (2012). Developing safeguards for pyroprocessing: detection of a plutonium Co-deposition on solid cathode in an electrorefiner by applying the signature-based safeguards approach (Master's Thesis), North Carolina State University. Link