Research Group - Pyrochemical Research and Operations (PyRO) Skip to main content

Research Group

PyRO Research Group (Current Students). Back row from left to right: Devin Rappleye, Edward Mercado, Hunter Manner, Caleb Barba, Spencer Shumway, Ander Fuller, Addison Omdahl, Simon Calabuig, Thomas Smith, Bryant Johnson, Jarod Vargas. Front row from left to right: Jason Torrie, Justin Wright, Ashley Camp, Shelssie Klvacek, Johnny Trevino, Carlos Meija, George Ankrah, Ranon Fuller, Tyler Williams (Unpictured: Cameron Vann, Kaiden Exon, Ricardo Ceron, Nicholas Christensen)

At the heart of any research group is the people involved. It is the bright and motivated students who make quality research possible in the PyRO lab.

Currently, there are 8 graduate students (8 PhD) and 9 undergraduates actively contributing to the research being performed in the PyRO lab.

Post-Doctoral Appointee:
Carlos Mejia - Buffered reference electrode development for molten salts, surrogate development for electrorefining in NaCl-KCl

Graduate Students:
Bryant Johnson - High-throughput electrorefining in molten salts (Electrochemistry)
George Ankrah - High-throughput electrorefining in molten salts (Metallography)
Hunter Manner - Miniaturizing electrorefining for specialized samples
Ranon Fuller - Rotating electrode development for molten salts
Jason Torrie - Two-step chloride volatility separation
Cameron Vann - Electrolysis of chlorine from molten salts for in progress generation/electrochemical sensors and methods development
Tyler Williams - Development of thin cell electrochemical sensor for molten salts (chloride salts)
Edward Mercado - Development of thin cell electrochemical sensor for molten salts (fluoride salts)

Past Graduate Students - Projects (Employer after leaving the PyRO lab)
Michael Stoddard - Advanced voltammetry model for uranium chloride in molten LiCl-KCl (Department of Energy)
Greg Chipman - AC superimposed DC electrorefining (Savannah River National Laboratory)
Mark Schvaneveldt - In-situ chlorine generation (Argonne National Laboratory)