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Reviews, Analyses, and Instructional Studies in Electrochemistry (RAISE)

Aims and Scope
  • Publications to appear in April 2024

RAISE is an instructor-reviewed journal publishes papers in the field of electrochemistry with a specific aim to fill the instructional gap between broad textbooks and advanced scientific studies to help raise the next generation of electrochemists and electrochemical engineers. It is open access with no article processing charge. The papers are typically student-led, but non-students are welcome to submit papers as well. The papers are intended to be easily digestible by novices to the field of electrochemistry while still being analytically rigorous. Each paper is reviewed by a faculty member who is highly experienced in electrochemistry. Papers that do not provide sufficient background nor analytical rigor will not be considered for publication. Original research, reviews, critical and explanatory analysis, and method papers are welcome and encouraged on the following topics (not comprehensive):

  • Electroanalytical techniques (voltammetry, chronoamperometry, etc.)
  • Fundamental theory (double layer theory, Marcus theory, etc.)
  • Electrochemical processing (electrorefining, electrowinning, etc.)
  • Batteries and flow cells
  • Electrochemical measurements of properties or concentration
  • Electrodeposition and electroplating
  • Nucleation theory and analysis
  • Impedance spectroscopy
  • Electrode materials for extreme environments
  • Instrumentation and setup for complex arrangements (glovebox, furnaces, etc.)
  • Advanced electrochemical models

Other topics may also be considered.

To submit a paper to RAISE, contact the editor (Dr. Devin Rappleye) at or visit the submission tab above.

Before submitting an article to RAISE, authors are encouraged to submit a 1-2 sentence concept or vision statement to be evaluated and potentially save them effort in preparing a manuscript. Authors will be encouraged or discouraged to prepare a full manuscript within 1-2 weeks. Authors who received a 'discourage' response may revise their concept or vision statement or proceed with submitting a full manuscript. Authors who do not submit a concept or vision statement may also submit a full manuscript. These manuscripts may still be accepted without an encouraged concept or vision statement; however, the likelihood of a rejection is higher.

In preparing your manuscript, use the template and checklist below:
RAISE article template
Publication Checklist

When an article is ready for submission, please email your manuscript to

Improperly formatted articles will be returned without review for correction but may be re-submitted once corrections have been made.

Accepted articles will be published on this website and BYU Scholars Archive. Upon acceptance, authors are required to include comma-separated values files for all figures to be made available to readers on this website and at BYU Scholars Archive. Articles will not be published until these files are received.

Post-Publication Review
In addition to being instructor-reviewed, articles can be continuously reviewed by the community. If you identify an error in a publication in RAISE, please alert the editor of this issue by filling out the form below. The editor will work with the author of the publication to update the article to be more accurate and helpful. If the author is unable to adequately address your feedback, a note will be appended to article so that readers are aware of the error. When either of these processes are complete, you will be notified and may further respond, if needed.